Ethics & Compliance

Integrity is the foundation of our business. It is not an option but a vital element that helps the company to run in a safe and compliant way and to maintain a best-in-class compliance reputation.

INNIO is committed to unyielding integrity and highest compliance standards in everything we do. Each INNIO employee is expected to personally set the example for integrity, to maintain a strong culture of compliance in our teams and to ensure robust processes to prevent, detect and respond to potential risks and integrity gaps. Risk assessment is a key element and an integral part of a compliant business. Beyond this, it is the responsibility of each employee to play their part.

INNIO’s SPEAK UP! platform allows whistleblowers to anonymously communicate potential compliance concerns to INNIO’s Compliance team, which acts on the issue immediately with confidentiality and urgency.

The tool is instrumental in INNIO’s ability to detect, investigate, resolve and prevent issues around such areas as business and ethical conduct, legal and trade compliance, harassment, discrimination, corruption, bribery, fraud and various other business risks.

The SPEAK UP! Channel is accessible to everyone—both INNIO employees and those outside the company.

/ Downloads & resources

You can read and download the Code of Conduct, or contact our “SPEAK UP!” team using any of the ways included in the link below.


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INNIO Code of Conduct

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INNIO Whistleblower Protection Policy EN

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INNIO Whistleblower Protection Policy DE

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INNIO Whistleblower Protection Policy UN

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INNIO Whistleblower Protection Policy IT

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INNIO Whistleblower Protection Policy ES

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INNIO Whistleblower Protection Policy NL

As a leading provider of renewable gas, natural gas, and hydrogen-rich solutions, INNIO’s Jenbacher technology helps to provide communities, industry and the public access to sustainable, reliable and economical power.

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INNIO’s Waukesha engines are at the forefront of the energy transition, providing reliable and compliant energy solutions for distributed gas compression and power generation applications.

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