With more than 65 years of continuous innovation, INNIO’s Jenbacher technologies enable efficient onsite power, heating, and cooling. Our solutions are applied in a variety of commercial, industrial, and municipal applications, particularly in renewable and waste-to-energy, industrial power generation, and combined heat and power (CHP)/cogeneration facilities.
INNIO’s Jenbacher engines are packaged generator sets and cogeneration and trigeneration units for power generation. Ranging in power from 250 kW to 10.6 MW, Jenbacher engines are paving the way for the global transition to net zero by running on a broad range of energy sources, from pipeline gas to hydrogen. These include other renewable gases such as biogas, biomethane, landfill gas, and sewage gas, as well as special gases such as syngas.
Over 26,000 Jenbacher engines have been delivered in about 100 countries, where various service options are also generally available. The Jenbacher brand has its primary operations at INNIO’s headquarters in Jenbach, Austria.
/ Facts & Figures
Jenbacher systems have been produced to date.
gigawatts of power have been delivered in over 100 countries.
hydrogen operation for specific engine types is planned for 2025.
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