Latest Press Releases

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INNIO Group Acquires Souer: Expanding Presence in Asia Pacific

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INNIO Group wins COGEN Europe Award 2024 for its innovative hydrogen CHP plant

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INNIO Group’s Waukesha brand teams up with Nidec to offer improved engine and electric motor solutions for the gas compression industry
IN.INNIO Digital Magazine

Successful energy transition thanks to improved plant operation

TÜV SÜD issues H₂-Readiness certificate for three Jenbacher engine types

Sustainability pioneer STAWAG relies on future-proof Jenbacher cogeneration unit
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Jenbacher Events
You will find Jenbacher experts and Distributors ready to answer your questions at important energy events happening all around the world.
Waukesha Events
You will find Waukesha experts and Distributors ready to answer your questions at important energy events happening all around the world.