Sustainability pioneer STAWAG relies on future-proof Jenbacher cogeneration unit 

Sustainability-driven Stadt- und Städteregionswerke Aachen AG (STAWAG) is regarded throughout Germany as a pioneer in the use of renewables. The company is committed to providing Aachen and the surrounding region with climate-neutral power, local and district heating, gas, and drinking water by 2030. The Jenbacher cogeneration unit plays a key role in achieving this goal at STAWAG’s Schwarzer Weg site.

With a total output of 22 MW, INNIO Group’s five Jenbacher J624 engines at the Schwarzer Weg site supply Aachen with power and heat from a flexible and highly efficient production source.

Operators must keep an eye on emissions levels in order to operate their systems in a sustainable manner and comply with legal requirements. To keep exhaust emissions levels under control, STAWAG has opted for the innovative Jenbacher emissions reduction package. The package includes a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and an oxidation catalyst silencer system specially adapted to the plant to reduce emissions to a predefined level1. With its emissions reduction package for Jenbacher cogeneration units, INNIO Group offers a tailor-made OEM solution that includes integrated measuring and maintenance services2.

The emission control solution consists of an integrated urea supply and dosing system, a sophisticated catalytic system, and associated sensors and controls. Nitrogen oxide emissions are reduced by injecting a urea and water solution in front of the SCR catalyst. Downstream oxidation catalysts lower other exhaust gas components, such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

Watch the video to see how the Jenbacher cogeneration plant plays a key role in helping STAWAG achieve its goal of a more sustainable future.

Intelligent monitoring and control

The system’s specific benefits lie in its full integration into the engine control system, the high degree of flexibility with systems integration, and the efficient calibration with engine operation. With a control and reporting function integrated into the Jenbacher DIA.NE XT4 engine control system, STAWAG can transparently view the engine and emission data in the myplant Performance software. System monitoring is further enhanced with the Jenbacher emissions measuring and maintenance service2, which provides the necessary data and actionable recommendations to enable compliance with emissions regulations.

Thanks to its modular, space-optimized configuration, the SCR and oxidation catalyst systems were integrated seamlessly into the existing plant. As a complete solution from a single source, the Jenbacher emissions reduction package combines engine-specific and complementary technologies, helping operators comply with emission regulations and monitor emissions remotely.

As a municipal energy supplier, we rely on partners who offer both innovative and dependable solutions. With INNIO Group at our side, we have a strong company to help us navigate the energy transition with solutions and services that are already in use today, helping us achieve a clean future.

1 Within the limits of the system/product technology

2 Measuring and maintenance service incl. measurement bus currently only available in Germany

As a leading provider of renewable gas, natural gas, and hydrogen-rich solutions, INNIO’s Jenbacher technology helps to provide communities, industry and the public access to sustainable, reliable and economical power.

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INNIO’s Waukesha engines are at the forefront of the energy transition, providing reliable and compliant energy solutions for distributed gas compression and power generation applications.

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